Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How Does Climate Change Affect You?

Climate change is something that you hear about almost everywhere you go.  Most people understand the general concept of what climate change is but many do not know what the long term consequences are.

Global warming is causing the planets temperature to rise steadily.  As the temperature rises, the ice on the earth begins to melt and this in turn raises the sea level.  This can cause devastating things in the future and it is up to us to help slow this process.

There is not a way to stop this entirely, but there are many ways consumers can help make this process happen slower than what is currently is now.  We are wasting so many resources that we are constantly polluting our environment.  Something as simple as changing to energy saving light bulbs in the home can help combat this major problem.

If you are going somewhere and can walk or carpool instead of driving your car, this is another great way to contribute to the solution.  Hybrid cars are gaining popularity and interest by many consumers. There are many models on the market now and more choices than ever for all tastes and budgets.

If we do nothing global warming will affect us sooner than we think.  Some cities that are currently below sea level may be overwhelmingly flooded causing many national tragedies around the world.  Although we can never completely stop climate change, it is up to us to give the next generation the tools needed to slow down the process.


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